I guess I kinda need to figure things out around here…

So last week I announced I’m stopping the “My Instaweek” feature and starting a new one called “Stop!Lila time!“. The week went on and I was really resisting the fact that I had bound myself into another weekly feature that felt like a chore to complete…and I had just barely started!! All this made me think about this whole notion of weekly features and my insisting on being more personal on the blog. I kept asking myself all these questions: Why do I feel the need to trick myself into doing these things? Why does it HAVE to be weekly? Am I a terrible person if I just don’t feel like blogging? Why is this making me feel so exposed? and most important of all Why am I sucking the fun out of this?!


I mean, blogging for me started as something fun to do, then just the fact that I had managed to get thinks going and had traffic coming in really made me anxious…I guess I feel the need to keep my readers coming back for more and somehow have lost sight of what it is I enjoy about blogging…So here’s the thing. I feel last week’s “Stop!Lila time!” post and the “What I wore” posts have shown me what I ultimately needed to see in myself and my voice on this blog. So I’ve decided that I don’t need to expose myself every week or make myself take daily outfit photos that really stress me out about how I do and don’t look. I’ve decided to give myself permission to share all (or none) of this when and how it feels right. And finally I’ve decided to trust you guys, my readers, to stick with me even when I’m being lazy or paranoid or overly ambitious or whatever… So enough with the heavy stuff…let’s get back to having fun!